FROM the moment (about 15 minutes in) a giant rogue wave crashes into the good ship Poseidon, capsizing the luxurious 20-storey ocean liner, Wolfgang Petersen's hi-tech remake of The Poseidon Adventure barely pauses for breath.

With composer Klaus Badelt whipping up the orchestra into a crescendo of deafening crashes and booms, Petersen goes full steam ahead with the outrageous action sequences, flinging his hapless, sodden survivors from one life-or-death set-up to the next.

It's a tour-de-force of meticulously orchestrated destruction: the vessel rolls through almost 360 degrees, crushing the extras beneath falling masonry and thousands of gallons of water.

Kitchen galley staff are sandwiched between worktops and trolleys, revellers in the discotheque discover water and electricity don't mix and flash fires singe third class passengers. Fortune favours the obscenely wealthy.

The characters bear little resemblance to the archetypes of the campy 1972 disaster epic: there is no Shelley Winters role the passenger list has been restricted to beautiful young women and the bickering between Gene Hackman and Ernest Borgnine has been supplanted by the male posturing of Josh Lucas's former navy hunk and Kurt Russell's one-time fireman, who just happens to be the old mayor of New York.

Which explains why his character is prone to eulogising: "You know, there's nothing fair about who lives and who dies.

You gave everyone a chance."

The storm and drama begins in the first few minutes of New Year's Day.

Champagne corks pop aboard the luxury liner as passengers celebrate the thrilling possibilities that lie ahead.

They are blissfully unaware of the gigantic wave roaring towards the craft, which turns the boat upside down, killing many of those on board.

While the captain (Braugher) and most of the survivors decide to stay in the giant ballroom, a plucky few head upwards, hoping to escape through the propeller tubes.

These brave souls include a professional gambler (Lucas), a mother (Barrett) and her young son (Bennett), a suicidal gay architect (Dreyfuss), a helpful waiter (Rodriguez), a grouchy father (Russell) and his teenage daughter (Rossum) plus her fiance (Vogel), and a stowaway (Maestro).

The strangers race against time to find a way back to the surface, knowing every breath they take could be their last.

Between traversing a lift shaft, crawling through a horribly claustrophobic ventilation duct, and wringing out the waterlogged cliches, screenwriter Mark Protosevich gives a passing glance to characterisation, then thinks better of it.

It's a gamble which pays dividends in terms of maintaining a breakneck pace, but without any emotional ballast, we're all at sea when it comes to mustering fear for the survivors.

By the time they are in the briny, we barely know the protagonists' Christian names; by the time Poseidon descends to her watery grave, we know almost nothing more.