WINCHESTER Liberal Democrats have announced their shadow Cabinet following the recent local elections that saw them lose control of the council.

New group leader Therese Evans, pictured right, has appointed several councillors that were portfolio holders before the election.

The shadow Cabinet is: Mrs Evans, leader and spokesman for cultural services; Dominic Hiscock, deputy leader and housing; John Beveridge, planning; Brian Collin, communities and community safety; Simon Cook, performance and communications; John Higgins, transport; Robert Johnston, local economy; Kelsie Learney, finance and resources and chairman of the principal scrutiny committee; Cecily Sutton, sport and health; Jim Wagner, environmental health.

The Lib Dems are unhappy that the Conservatives have retained the chairmanship of every committee except principal scrutiny.

Cllr Learney said: "The new Conservative administration kept to the minimum rules by giving the main opposition group the chair of principal scrutiny.

"Under the previous Lib Dem administration, opposition members chaired all of the scrutiny panels.

"The Tories have now appointed their own people to nearly all of these jobs including chairman and vice-chair of planning committee.

"Conservative councillors scrutinising a Conservative Cabinet means a bad day for local democracy."

The Tories point out that the Lib Dems did not have overall control whereas the Conservatives have an absolute majority, for the first time since 1987.