THE next production by Horndean Amateur Theatrical Society (HATS) takes place on June 28 and 29.

It is two plays in one evening.

The first is the one-act play Gosforth's Fete by Alan Ayckbourn. The play is set in a marquee at a village fete in which everything goes hilariously, but disastrously, wrong for the characters.

The second play is Theft, a comedy thriller by Eric Chappell. Two couples return from a wedding anniversary celebration to discover the house has been burgled. The burglar (Spriggs) is still in the house and at first pretends to be a police officer investigating the break-in. However, his true identity is soon revealed. With information he has discovered from being in the house he manages to disturb two seemingly steady marriages and lifelong friendships. The play contains lots of funny lines and sharp comments on marriage, money and crime.

The performances will take place at 7.30pm in Merchistoun Hall, Portsmouth Road, Horndean.

Tickets will be available on the door or you can phone Merchistoun Hall on 023 9259 7114 to book.

They cost £5/£4 (concessions).

For more information, visit the website or e-mail