IT was a daring stunt that drew scores of people down to the beach first thing in the morning.

They were not to be disappointed, as Power FM's Maximum Bob launched himself down the slipway on a Mini Moto bike at high speed straight into the chilly waters of the Solent.

It was the culmination of a number of stunts meant to "mash the Moto", which included driving it over a cattle grid and having two 6ft, 14-stone men riding pillion on the little machine.

However, none of the stunts managed to wreck the Mini Moto until they took it for a dip in the Solent outside the Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service (GAFIRS) building in Stokes Bay.

Cheered on by dozens of onlookers and live on Power FM's breakfast show, Maximum Bob dressed in a wetsuit shot down the slipway.

He said afterwards: "I was really nervous and shaky when I set off.

"Most things that I do will make me look like an idiot but I'm not out to massively injure myself.

"I got the bike up to its top speed and thought: I'll just see what happens.'"

As soon as he entered the water, the bike stopped but Maximum Bob continued going, flying up and over the handlebars before smashing into the water.

Fortunately he was wearing a helmet which hit the slipway when he went into the water and he walked away with just a graze to his right knuckle.

Breakfast show host Rick Jackson said: "I've worked with Bob a long time and have a lot of memories, but none will stay in my mind like Bob's legs flying through the air."

The damaged Mini Moto has now been donated to a Stokes Bay family who intend restoring it to its former glory.