A HAMPSHIRE riding instructor is getting ready for the trek of a lifetime that will see her venture into one of most ancient civilisations in the world.

Carol Alford of Lower Upham has been teaching people of all ages to ride horses for more than 20 years.

Now she is taking her experience of trekking through the Hampshire countryside and is saddling up for a ride to the ancient Inca capital of Cusco, in South America.

Testing her to the limits, Carol is making the six-day trek that will trace the ancient Inca trail from the capital Cusco to Machu Picchu in Peru.

Not only is it a rough trail that will rely on ponies to carry people and their belongings across beaten tracks but it will also be physically demanding on Carol as she hikes up to a top height of around 15,000ft in places.

"I actually have a problem with heights," said Carol. "So I am a bit scared about going to one of the highest villages in the world, but it is something different.

Planning to make the challenging 26mile trek in October with a group of fellow British Horse Society members, Carol, who regularly competes in national dressage and show jumping events, said she is in training for the event and that she hopes to raise money for the welfare of horses.

"I need to get in training before I go and there's a lot of preparation about what to take and how much you can have," she said.

"I'm very excited about going and seeing all the amazing scenery. It is going to be such an experience seeing the lifestyle of the people there that hasn't changed for thousands of years."

As part of the challenge Carol also as to raise £3,000 for the society and is holding a number of fundraising events over the coming months.

"I want to raise the money for BHS Welfare, which helps prevent cases of cruelty and neglect to horses and raises awareness though education. More and more people have horses today and it's important that they know how to look after them."

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