TRUSTEES of a charity that has handed out £12,000 this year for school footwear and gardening for the elderly want to draw up a new scheme.

The Dibden Allotments Charity is inviting proposals that would benefit a broad cross-section of the community from Calshot to Marchwood.

The topic will form part of the agenda for the charity's open lunch at Hythe & Dibden Parish Hall on October 4.

At its meeting last month the charity approved 31 grants to individuals totalling £8,220: The WRVS received £5,000 to help provide a new vehicle for Meals on Wheels.

A grant of £20,000 will provide support to the HANDY Trust which manages three part-time youth workers.

Waterside Arts Festival Committee received £1,000 towards this year's events which start on July 7.

The New Forest Bus was granted £2,500 towards the Festival of Fun.

Blackfield Neighbourhood Nursery received £240.