A STUDENT'S creation is bringing laughter and fun to the often serious world of modern art.

Amy Hughes's work is a highlight of the Degree Show at the Winchester School of Art.

A funny feeling' is a 12ft passageway lined with 780 blue rubber gloves filled with wadding.

The unsuspecting viewer walks down the gradually narrowing corridor. What they do not know is that ten of the rubber gloves are empty and people behind the wall can insert their hands and move the gloves.

The work is on show at the School of Art in Park Avenue until tonight at 8pm.

Amy, pictured, who studied textile art, said: "I started off looking at the five human senses and specifically the sense of touch. The piece is meant to be quirky and playful.

"In most galleries people are very quiet and don't want to touch things. I wanted to make something that would make people have to interact with one another and get people talking and laughing.

"But it can be quite unnerving when the gloves move.

"I have had such a fantastic response from so many people, children, teenagers and adults."

Amy, 22, of Monks Road, Hyde, is now off to Central America for a year and then hopes on her return to study for an MA in sculpture.