ONE by one they took a deep breath before inching backwards off the second tallest building in Southampton.

Daredevil fundraisers harnessed up, made their way to the top of Canberra Towers in Woolston before beginning a 260ft abseiling descent – all in the name of charity.

A group of 40 thrill-seekers signed up for the event, taking it in turns to make their way down the outside of the giant block of flats in Kingsclere Avenue.

Those taking part included 72-year-old Clare Edwards and the new leader of Southampton City Council, Royston Smith.

Afterwards he joked: “It is not good stepping off the edge – it feels completely unnatural. I don’t think I will be taking it up as my new hobby.”

They were all raising awareness of the Jubilee sailing Trust and each participant had been asked to raise £100 in sponsorship.

The charity offers life- changing sailing voyages to people of all abilities Event co-ordinator Matt Graveling said: “I am very proud of all of them – obviously they have all got a head for heights.”