IT IS a nightmare scenario that firefighters confront every day – a driver trapped in the wreckage of a car.

But this time the man at the wheel was leader of Southampton City Council Royston Smith and thankfully it was just a practice.

Despite being a willing participant Councillor Smith was subjected to the full horrific experience of being cut out of a car.

Trapped in a black BMW, Cllr Smith could only watch as firefighters from St Mary’s Fire Station’s red watch cut him free, transforming the vehicle into a convertible in the process.

The dramatic demonstration in the city centre was aimed at highlighting the consequences of dangerous driving as part of Safer Southampton Week.

Cllr Smith said: “I wouldn’t want to have it happen for real that’s for sure, but it’s a great way for the fire service to demonstrate their professionalism and to show people how they’re in safe hands should the worst happen to them.”

Firefighters shattered the glass windows, pulled the doors off their hinges and finally cut and removed the roof to get the councillor out of the car onto a stretcher in under 18 minutes.