A DRINK-driver who caused a three-vehicle crash has been banned from the roads for three years.

A Land Rover Discovery being driven by Sidney Dunnings smashed into the car in front, shunting it into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

No-one was seriously hurt but all three vehicles were written off, New Forest magistrates were told.

Rachel Lile, prosecuting, said the defendant had 60 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

Dunnings, 62, unemployed, of Upper Street, Breamore, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

He said the motorist in front was driving without lights, but admitted that he caused the accident in Salisbury Road, Fordingbridge.

Dunnings, who had a previous conviction for drink-driving, was also fined £100 with £50 costs, plus the £15 victim surcharge.