A Hampshire leisure centre is to start running classes for children with disabilities after a successful free activity day.

River Park Leisure Centre in Winchester welcomed more than 30 children from primary and secondary schools in the area for the Inspiring You project on Friday, October 29.

The event, funded by the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme, offered more than ten different sports for the children to take part in, with the intention of getting them involved in activities they had not tried before.

After a positive response, classes such as street dance, trampolining and family swimming will now be held for children with disabilities on a regular basis at the centre.

It was run in conjunction with Winchester City Council and Toynbee School Sports Partnership.

Councillor Lucille Thompson, city council portfolio holder for communities said: “I am delighted that this event has been a success. The sheer number of sports available and the number of young people involved shows the need for these activities in Winchester.”