Prince William had to ask the Queen's consent to marry because of a law dating from the 18th century.

His grandmother will have signed an elaborate notice of approval, transcribed in calligraphy, and issued under the Great Seal of the Realm.

Under the Royal Marriages Act 1772, all descendants of George II must obtain the sovereign's consent before they wed, otherwise the marriage would be invalid.

In practice the Queen was most unlikely to have withheld her blessing.

She would only be likely to have said ''no'' on the advice of the Prime Minister, whom she will have informed.

The cabinet, leaders of the opposition, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Commonwealth heads of state and government will have all now been told.

Labour peer Lord Dubs once branded the 1772 law ''the Dangerous Dogs Act of its day'', saying it was ''passed in haste owing to George III's chagrin that his relatives were getting married without consulting him''.

King George III, George II's grandson, ordered the act after his younger brother the Duke of Cumberland secretly married Lady Anne Horton, deemed to be a highly disreputable widow of a commoner.

If the Queen does not agree to a marriage, the member of the Royal Family can, if aged 25 or over - like William is now - inform the Privy Council of his or her intentions to wed.

The wedding could go ahead lawfully, but only if both Houses of Parliament do not expressly disapprove in the 12 months following.

There is no requirement that royals marry someone of royal or aristocratic blood.

But religion is a factor. Under the the Act of Settlement of 1701, those in the direct line of succession cannot marry Catholics.

Had William, who is second in line, wanted to marry a Catholic, he would have had to renounce his right to the throne.

Prince Michael of Kent did so in 1978, when he was 16th in line, after marrying Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz, now known as Princess Michael of Kent.

The Queen authorised the Prince of Wales's marriage to Camilla, as she did for his first to Diana, Princess of Wales.

Camilla, now the Duchess of Cornwall, was married to Catholic Andrew Parker Bowles but she remained an Anglican.

The row over whether Charles's second wedding in 2005 was legal centred on the 1836 Marriage Act, which allowed for civil marriages in England for the first time, but included an exemption for the Royal Family.

Some legal experts said that although it was updated 1949, no specific changes were made to the royal exemption.

The Lord Chancellor, however, insisted in a statement to the Commons that the Prince's wedding was lawful.

Eleven objections were rejected by the Registrar General, who cited human rights.

In 1955, Princess Margaret wanted to marry divorced Group Captain Peter Townsend.

But she gave up the man she loved after being advised by the government that to wed the former equerry she would have to renounce her right to the throne.

The Duke of Windsor escaped the Royal Marriages Act when he wed Mrs Simpson in 1937, having abdicated his right to the throne and that of any heirs.