PRINCE William and his bride-to-be have given their first interview since announcing their plans to marry.

The Prince said he proposed to Kate Middleton during a holiday with friends in Kenya.

The couple had managed to enjoy sometime alone when he popped the question.

"It was about three weeks ago. I just decided it was the right time," said the Prince.

"We had been talking about it for sometime so it wasn't a great surprise.

"I had been planning it for a while but as every guy out there will know it takes a lot to get going."

Kate added: "I really didn't expect it."

Much has been made of the fact William proposed using the same sapphire and diamond ring that his mother, Princess Diana, was given when Prince Charles proposed to her.

The Prince carried the heirloom around Africa for three weeks in his rucksack before finding the right moment to ask for Kate's hand in marriage.

Talking about the ring itself, he said: "This is my way of keeping her close and part of it."