A POPULAR Sunday market in Hampshire has denied stall-holder fees are set to rise substantially.

Alex Handford, business manager for Hampshire Farmers’ Market, said that although Winchester City Council service charges were going up, rent increase for next year’s markets was minimal.

She said: “The immediate rent increase is only £3 which for the size of the market means a more than competitive price.”

For 2010, the council is charging the market £19,054 for the year, which is taken out of the rent paid by stall-holders.

Stallholders are currently paying around £47 per market to operate, with the council taking nearly £10. But the council is gradually increasing its charge to £12 in 2011 and nearly £15 in 2012.

But Ms Handford could not rule out substantial increases in the future.

She said: “The council are trying to recoup as much money from wherever they can so there could be substantial rises in rent in the future but we don’t know.”