Video of Edward Woollard leaving court

A HAMPSHIRE student charged with violent disorder during last week's riots over tuition fees was freed on bail when he appeared in court today.

Brockenhurst College student, Edward Woollard, 18, was charged under the Public Order Act last night following the protests at Conservative Party headquarters, which culminated in Millbank Tower being ransacked and occupied by demonstrators.

Windows were smashed, graffiti daubed on walls and missiles, including a fire extinguisher, were thrown from the seventh floor roof.

Appearing at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court, Woollard spoke only to confirm his name, age and address in Dibden Purlieu.

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His lawyer, Matt Foot immediately asked for an adjournment to be allowed to view video footage.

Mr Foot described the case as ''unique'' and said Woollard was ''only just 18''.

He added that Woollard was charged last night after he was questioned by Metropolitan Police officers.

Asking for an adjournment, Mr Foot said: ''There are complexities from our view. It does require some time to consider the position.''

Woollard was released on bail on the condition that he remains at his home address in Southampton and does not enter the city of Westminster in central London.

Adjourning, District Judge Catherine Tubbs said: ''The expectation is that progress is made on the first occasion but your lawyer wants more time to discuss things with you.''

The case was adjourned until November 24.

More than 50 people have been arrested in connection with the Millbank riots.

Police yesterday released images of 13 protesters suspected of committing criminal offences.

They were captured on CCTV cameras inside the office complex and on its roof as dozens of demonstrators stormed the building.

A four-hour stand-off ended when police brought in more than 100 extra officers to clear the building and the road outside.

Anyone who recognises any of the suspects should call 020 8246 9386 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.