THE boss of a waste disposal company that stores asbestos near homes and a school has insisted that the operation is safe.

Brian Jones, managing director of Solent Environmental Services, made the claim last night at a New Forest public meeting staged in Fawley by people living near the firm’s headquarters in Holbury.

Campaigners claimed the presence of asbestos posed a threat to their children’s health.

Mr Jones clashed with people living in Long Lane and nearby Ivor Close, one of whom told him: “What you’re doing is immoral.”

He replied: “What we do is safe – if it wasn’t we wouldn’t have received our permit. Last Friday the Health and Safety Executive arrived and carried out a full, unannounced audit and were more than satisfied with what we do.”

Asbestos from schools, hospitals and factories arrives at the company in double bags that are then stored in two sealed containers known as skips.

Mr Jones said none of the bags had split and added: “If we did have a split bag issue the material would be double wrapped again prior to being placed in the skips.”

Campaigners criticised the county council for approving the application for a waste transfer station but Mr Jones said: “We cannot be held responsible if you feel due process was not followed.”