TRIBUTES have been paid to a New Forest man who has died in a motorcycle accident in Thailand.

Neil Beeson, 26, from Downton, had been living in the Asian country since last October and teaching English at a local school.

His parents John and Margaret and older brother Craig have been left devastated by his death.

Mrs Beeson said: “If you could use two words to sum up Neil it would be fun and laughter. He just loved life and he made you laugh. From the minute he was born he was full of life. At just a few days old he managed to turn himself over on the bed, he was always on the go.”

Neil, a former pupil at Downton Primary School, was known for his love of football, playing for a team in Redlynch.

He had recently told his parents he wanted to settle in Thailand as he loved the people and culture and had met his girlfriend Nitti there.

Neil’s friends in Thailand held a memorial service on Tuesday following his death on Saturday. His family is planning a private funeral and a remembrance service.