CONTROVERSIAL plans for a grandstand at a Hampshire football pitch have been approved after village leaders agreed to halve the size of the building.

Sway Parish Council has been given permission to build a shelter at the village recreation ground, despite claims that the scheme will result in noise and anti-social behaviour.

The proposed development, which will be used by supporters of Sway FC, was unanimously approved at a meeting of the National Park Authority (NPA).

The council’s initial application for a 118-seater grandstand was deferred at a previous meeting of the authority.

Members heard that the organisation had received 13 letters of objection from people who criticised the visual impact of the scheme and claimed it amounted to “inappropriate development” in the National Park.

‘Rowdy teens’

Protesters also complained that the grandstand would become a meeting place for rowdy teenagers.

Now the NPA’s planning committee has approved a revised scheme for a shelter that will be only half the size of the original building.

Planning officers said the authority had received another four letters of protest, all from residents repeating their earlier concerns.

But Councillor Kathy Gulliver, representing the parish council, defended the scheme.

She said: “I don’t see that a small grandstand is inappropriate development for a sports ground. The building will be open-sided, which will cut down on anti-social behaviour because the police will be able to see inside and so will everyone else.”