HE MAY only be five years old and just over a foot tall, but he has just been honoured for saving the life of his best friend.

Orlando, a miniature schnauzer, received an award from the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) for his efforts.

The dog has been with Jennifer Ffennell since he was a puppy, but their time together was almost cut short. Miss Ffennell, 81, fell over in her garden at her home in Martyr Worthy, near Winchester, on a cold October evening, and was at risk of hypothermia.

She was unable to get back to her feet or crawl towards her house, but Orlando saved the day by going to his owner and barking non-stop into the night until neighbours arrived.

Miss Ffennell, said: “I am so grateful to my darling Orlando. Without his non-stop barking and his warmth at my side I dread to think what could have happened.”

The PDSA honoured Orlando after being told of his actions by a friend of Miss Ffennell’s.

Brigadier Andrew Warde, a trustee at PDSA, said: “He (Orlando) may be unaware of the consequence of his remarkable deed, but Miss Ffennell will, I’m sure, never forget the moment her dog became a hero.”