THERE is less than a month to book yourself a place in the record books as part of a carol concert with a difference.

The Southampton Sings carol concert hopes to see 32,000 fill people St Mary’s Stadium on Friday, December 17. Organisers Southampton Passion hope the world record for the most people singing carols in one place will be broken. It stands at 7,500 set in America six years ago.

There will be a mass band consisting of Southampton youth orchestras and the Salvation Army band, accompanying a choir of hundreds of school children, who will lead the singing.

Tickets can be obtained from St Mary’s Stadium ticket office or by calling 0800 2800 050, from the Mayflower Theatre or by calling 023 8071 1811, from the ticketsouth shop in the Mall or online at

Tickets cost £4 each or £12 for a family ticket.

Proceeds from the event will go to the Southampton Passion 2011, a production to take place on Good Friday in Southampton’s Guildhall Square.

For more details see the website or southamptonpassion.