WHEEL clamping on private land in England and Wales is set to be banned under a new law pledged by the Government earlier this year.

The ban, which is due to be introduced in a new Freedom Bill this month, will impose tough penalties on anyone who clamps a vehicle or tows it away on private land.

Once the ban comes into force it will be illegal to clamp, tow away or in any way immobilise a vehicle on private land.

Anyone who clamps, immobilises or tows away a vehicle on private land without the specific legal authority to do so will face criminal charges or civil penalties.

The clamping industry has branded the proposed ban a “charter for the selfish parker” and said it would removed a last resort to landowners faced with persistent parking offenders and ticket evaders.

It will not affect clamping by councils and the police.

Presently, anyone who wants to clamp vehicles must hold a licence from the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

There are currently 2,150 people who are licensed by the SIA to clamp vehicles.

They are free to set charges.