RESIDENTS of a Hampshire park home site should be welcoming a warmer winter this year after insulation work was completed.

Six park homes at Flowerdown Park Homes in Littleton, near Winchester, have had external wall insulation added to their property, which will ensure greater warmth and lower energy bills.

Work was made possible by the fuel poverty charity National Energy Action (NEA) and the Government’s Warm Front scheme, which provides grants to help improve heating in homes.

This new insulation is polystyrene-based and added to the exterior of the house so it can keep warmth in the house without taking up space.

People living in park homes often suffer during winter because of thin walls with little insulation, meaning they need to use more fuel, and up until recently they were excluded from Warm Front help.

But campaigning from NEA, Winchester City Council and MP Steve Brine helped Flowerdown get the insulation, provided by Warm Front affiliate Eaga, the UK’s largest heating suppliers.