A SERIAL burglar, who plundered more than two dozen homes in Southampton to satisfy his gambling craving, has been locked up for almost five years.

Michael McCarry, 38, left a trail of misery, principally around the Shirley area of Southampton, over a seven-month period as he broke into houses to feed his addiction.

He was eventually caught when he enlisted Leonard Rafferty to break into a house when the occupiers were away for a short break. But they made so much noise in their night raid on the property they alerted a neighbour who contacted the police.

Prosecutor Siobhan Linsley said they saw the pair rush out through the back garden, damaging a fence in a desperate attempt to get away, but were caught shortly afterwards.

Some £30 had been taken from a kitchen table and they had also rummaged through bedroom drawers.

McCarry later took officers on a drive around and pointed out other houses he had targeted. But for that, Ms Linsley accepted, police would not have linked them with him.

Said to have 24 previous convictions comprising 102 offences, McCarry, of Oakfield Gardens, Southampton, admitted one burglary and asked for 16 further burglaries and nine of attempted burglaries to be considered. Jailing him for four years and eight months, Recorder Ian Pringle QC told him: “The misery caused to victims is indescribable. You took many items, some of sentimental value that families can never replace.”

Megan Topliss, defending, said he had been in the grip of his gambling addiction for 15 years. “It has ruined his life and he has lost relationships. He needs professional help.”

Rafferty, 22, of Dunkirk Road, Southampton, admitted the same burglary and received 18 months supervision and a three-month curfew.

Anne Brown, defending, said: “There is an element of exploitation here and it is clear he wasn’t the main move or leading light.”