A BABY that suffered serious brain injury was treated like a “rag doll”, a court heard.

Southampton Crown Court was told how Daniel Holdaway picked up the infant like a doll and threw it up into the air, causing the baby’s head to fall backwards.

Holdaway, 21, of Clovelly Road, St Mary’s, is charged with three counts of grievous bodily harm on a baby on three separate occasions over a two-month period, fracturing three ribs and causing brain haemorrhages.

Prosecutors say Holdaway caused the “serious injuries” by “deliberately” and “excessively” shaking the baby.

He denies all the charges.

The jury also heard how Holdaway screamed and swore at the infant and picked it up by its ribs or under its armpits, without supporting its head.

A witness for the prosecution, who cannot be named for legal reasons, described how they saw Holdaway take hold of the baby, bring it up to his face and swear at the youngster in a “nasty” tone, before he “shook” the child.

Earlier in court, the jury was told how the baby seemed to be suffering from cold-like symptoms and was “grumpy” in the days before it was rushed in Southampton General Hospital, unable to breathe properly.
