ANGRY Southampton residents have launched a campaign for safer roads in their community.

The householders in Newman Street and Carlisle Road, Shirley, fear that drivers are putting people’s lives at risk and have started a petition to get speed bumps and larger ‘no entry’ signs installed by Southampton City Council.

Newman Street resident Andy Clasby has seen his garden wall and fences demolished by drivers five times in just six months.

Trevor Bartlett’s car was hit by a motorist with no insurance, while another pedestrian was lucky to only suffer a broken arm after being struck by a hit-and-run driver.

And an increasing number of vehicles have been seen using Newman Street as an exit route from Shirley High Street, despite the fact that it is a one-way road.

Lynne Hopkins, also of Newman Street, met with Labour MP for Southampton Test, Alan Whitehead, to get his backing, after fearing it was “just a matter of time” before a fatal accident occurred.

Mrs Hopkins has since gathered five pages of signatures, which she has handed over to the local MP.

Mr Whitehead said that he backed the campaign and is looking at ways to help.

He added: “I am very eager to get something done but that will involve a lot of consultation with the council.”

A spokesman for the council said: “We welcome suggestions from our residents and carefully consider every request for traffic calming measurese.

“In the first instance we would strongly encourage people to contact us directly as it’s the council that will make the decision and get the work done, where we are able to do so.”