BRRRRR-ACE yourselves because the snow is coming.

Flakes are set to sweep across Hampshire this weekend as sub-zero temperatures continue.

There may not be enough to build snowmen but forecasters have warned that the white stuff will hit Southampton tonight, the first time in 17 years we have seen snow in November.

With no sign of the cold snap melting away, health bosses in the city are urging people to wrap up in their woollies and help ensure elderly relatives and neighbours stay safe and warm.

Temperatures will plummet to –2C (28F) and –3C (27F) overnight causing icy roads and pavements to frost over, with the freezing temperatures persisting during the day, never getting above 2C (36F).

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Earlier this week the Daily Echo reported how councils were ready for the first blast of winter. Salt supplies have been topped up and gritting lorries are poised to go out on priority routes.

John Hammond, from the Met Office, said: “The freezing temperatures are here to stay and Southampton can even expect some snow showers this weekend.

“Snow flurries will be pushing through the city overnight tonight and into tomorrow, although the closer you get to the coast it will be more like sleet.

“The last time we saw snow sweep across the country in November was 1993 so although the temperatures are nothing unusual, it isn’t very often we see snow at this time of year.”

Health chiefs in the city are preparing themselves for the winter chill and the extra hospital admissions it brings, but NHS Southampton City is hoping a few simple steps will help reduce those suffering from the cold.

Andrew Mortimore, public health director for NHS Southampton City said, “As the weather gets colder, it is important to remember the needs of friends, elderly relatives and neighbours who could be at risk in the winter months. Look out for them and give some practical help if possible.

Flu vaccinations

“Flu is something that increases emergency attendances in the winter and that is why it is important to protect yourself by getting the flu vaccination, which now protects against both swine flu and seasonal flu.”

The freezing temperatures have also sparked thatch fire warnings, as people turn to their fireplaces for warmth.

NFU Mutual, the UK’s leading rural insurer, has issued a number of top tips to avoid a thatched roof fire disaster, including getting your chimney checked and ensuring the top of the chimney stack is at least five feet above the thatch.

Motorists are being advised to make sure they are prepared for hazardous driving conditions.