A CYCLE path is needed to link Marchwood and Totton, Hampshire County Council was told.

The appeal was made by Keith Elcoate who told councillors that many residents in Marchwood, including him, were worried about riding towards Totton and Eling.

He added that there had been several near misses between cars and cyclists along with cars and pedestrians.

There were also lots of vehicles from the nearby military port that used Marchwood Road and Bury Road, councillors heard.

Mr Elcoate added that while an alternative route did exist for cyclists, it was more than a mile longer than the route for cars.

He presented more than 400 letters of support for a separate cycle lane to Councillor Mel Kendal, executive member for environment.

After the meeting, Cllr Kendal said: “I understand local residents’ desire for a more direct and segregated route between Marchwood village and Eling.

“To this end, an assessment of an off-road route along the eastern section of Jacobs Gutter Lane and Bury Road from Marchwood towards Eling has been undertaken.

“A route is potentially feasible but it would necessitate the purchase of private land which could be expected to be very costly.

“Our estimate is that any scheme would cost in excess of half a million pounds.”

“Unfortunately there is no funding for this at the current time.”