Registered childminders have been offering tips to families this Christmas who may be wondering what to do with their children during the school holidays, once the big Christmas Day excitement has passed.

According to the National Childminding Association (NCMA), 90 per cent of childminders provide childcare during school holidays and regularly do activities with children of all ages which cost very little. They are sharing their ideas with families to help them make the most of the holidays.

Susanna Dawson is Chair of NCMA and a registered childminder. She says: “A favourite to get in the mood is the beautiful story of the Stick Man by Julia Donaldson, which brings sticks to life. If families don’t already know it, then it is a must, and you can order it from the library. The children can look for twigs and make their own stick man or family. They are then more involved with the story, as they can hold on to their stick men while they listen to it.”

Other tips include: “Arts and crafts always go down well. Candle flower arrangement displays have been made by children as young as three and four. They look fabulous and all you need is a piece of oasis foam (available from a craft store or florist), some greenery from the garden and a candle. You can add fresh flowers too if you like. The end result is something to be truly proud of – all the parents say it looks like something you would pay over £30 for at a florist and it’s all the more special as it’s handmade by their children.

Visit a local library and borrow story sacks, snuggle up and read some lovely Christmas-themed stories, like A Christmas Carol or Sally Saves Christmas.

If you have some old Christmas cards saved, play a matching game by cutting cards in half and asking children to find the matching card. This can be done outside or inside.

Christmas cookery is always fun and can take up a whole afternoon when it’s too cold to venture outside. For easy recipes for Christmas biscuits and star-shaped gingerbread, try or Wrap up warm and get some exercise by going out to the park and playing all the games you used to enjoy, like ‘follow the leader’ or ‘hide and seek’.”

For parents who are looking for extra childcare during the Christmas holidays, childminders can provide flexible, affordable care for children of all ages, from babies through to the secondary school years. You can find local childminders by contacting your local Family Information Service on 0800 234 6346.