HUNDREDS of students took part in a massive snowball fight in Southampton.

Friends Marcus Goode and Joe Hickman, pictured below, publicised the battle on a social networking website and were amazed when more than 900 people turned up in Hoglands Park.

The Midnight Massacre, as it was dubbed, pitched first year students from Southampton Solent University against second and third years on Thursday night.

Those that took part spent yesterday reliving the fun online, with one student writing: “Lost count of how many times I got smashed in the face – it was amazing!”

Marcus, 19, who lives in Lucia Foster Welch Residence in Royal Crescent Road, said: “It wasn’t really a serious thing, but we just thought it would be good to have a snowball fight.

“I invited all the people on my course, which is about 40 people, and Joe invited all the people on his course.

“They told all their friends and it just keep growing and growing. In the end hundreds turned up – it was crazy.”