WITH placards waving and banners flyers a dozen angry residents launched their protest against a chemical plant and testing centre which is planned for a corner of the Hampshire countryside.

Bursledon-based Agform, which creates pesticides, detergents and oilfield chemicals, wants to put a research and development facility in Wickham.

The news has sparked fears over health risks and contamination.

Residents also say the proposed Ewe Tree Farm site, Titchfield Lane, would not be in keeping with the area and could affect a public right of way.

The group spokesman is grandfather and chemist Chris Hawkins, 60, of Wickham.

The dad-of-two said: “Building an industrial facility in a location that is rural residential is the thin end of the wedge. This development would be completely out of character with the area and would have a long-term impact for everyone living here.

“I am familiar with the safety measures imposed on companies, I worked for BP for 20 years who had an exemplary safety record but have recently been at the centre of an environment disaster.

“You can manage risks but sometimes these kind of things will happen.”

Agform, founded in 2001, currently has a research centre in Woolston and offices in Bursledon.

Boss John Misselbrook disputed the claims of the residents and said he would welcome the opportunity to talk to them and councillors on his plans.

He said: “At the new facility we will be working on a project to reduce the environmental impact of crop-protecting chemicals, what we are doing is no different to what farmers have to do to grow enough food.

“We are subject to so much legislation to ensure we don’t put the public health at risk which I would be happy to talk people through.

“I understand people have concerns when a business comes to the area but new technology is the only way you are going to create jobs in this country.”

He went on to say no manufacturing would be done at the facility and the company would be looking to license its products out to chemical giants.

He employs about 15 people currently and would be looking to take on 12 more at the new site which will be a converted farm building.

The planning application will be considered by Winchester City Council.