AN ALLEGED arsonist changed his plea on the day of his trial for starting a serious fire in a Hampshire village.

Norman Hedges, 46, had denied arson with intent to endanger life at a property in Hunter Close, King’s Somborne in June. His trial had been due to start at Winchester Crown Court yesterday but he changed his plea at the last minute.

Richard Onslow, defending, told the court a fresh prosecution expert’s report now provided irrefutable proof as to guilt.

Mr Onslow asked that Hedges be given maximum credit for his plea even though it was tendered very late, because only now had the full prosecution case been made clear.

Judge Guy Boney QC said he would not do the sentencing and could not tie that judge’s hands.

The judge adjourned sentencing for reports including a psychiatric one.

Hedges, from Braishfield, who was remanded in custody, will be sentenced at Winchester on Friday January 21.

The blaze seriously damaged the two-storey property, owned by the Test Valley Rural Housing Association.