SHE pulls on her wellies and gets out her spade to help out vulnerable people across Southampton.

Now Rachele Morse, who volunteers for the Christian good neighbour charity Communicare, has urged Daily Echo readers to dig deep for this year’s Tree of Light campaign that remembers lost loved ones at Christmas.

The 33-year-old mum-of-one from Khartoum Road, Southampton, helps with home and garden clearances.

She got involved after joining the Highfield Church’s home group and wanted to help elderly and marginalised people in society.

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Rachele said: “It is so rewarding to help out and make a visual difference and a big impact to people’s lives because for us we can get big jobs done in a day but for these people they would be very daunting and intimidating tasks. It takes huge worries away knowing there are people willing to help.”

Now Rachele hopes people will be generous for the Tree of Light campaign after she has seen first hand what a difference their work makes.

With just days to go until Communicare’s switch-on ceremony on Friday at 6pm as part of the annual Woolston Christmas Festival, disaster has struck. As reported in the Daily Echo, they need a Hampshire business to help put up the lights after they were let down at the last minute.

If you can help call Communicare on 023 8039 9962.