A YOUNG woman from Southampton was surprised to find her stolen purse returned to her through the post.

Rebecca Vosper was shopping with her mum in Iceland, Bitterne, when her purse was lifted from her handbag.

“It was there one minute and gone the next,” said the 20 year old from Burseldon, Southampton.

“It had everything in it; all my cash cards, my driving license, my National Insurance card, pictures of my friends and family and £15 in cash.”

The incident was reported to the police and Iceland checked the store’s CCTV footage but the theft happened in one of the camera’s blind spots.

“I was resigned to the fact I wouldn’t see it again,” said Rebecca.

But yesterday she was surprised to receive a phone call from a man saying her purse had been posted through his letterbox.

“I was so pleased to hear it had been returned,” she said.

“Although the £15 cash was nowhere to be seen.”

The purse was posted to Rebecca’s previous home address after a member of the public used the details on one of her cards to track her down.