COMPLETE with a herd of deer, angels and a 6ft singing Santa, one Christmas display is certainly making a big impression in Shedfield.

The latest entry in the Daily Echo’s Festive Homes competition has been put together by Ivor Preece, 53, who has spent four weekends assembling all his Christmas lights.

He’s gone to town on decorations at his home in Heathlands, Shedfield for the past ten years, and says he does it in memory of his parents.

Ivor, pictured with daughter Chloe, said: “My mum and dad always loved Christmas.

We couldn’t afford a lot – it was home-made paper chains for decorations back then – but it was a very special time of year. I think now they’re not around any more I do it for them.”

This year our Festive Homes competition is backed by the Electrical Safety Council, and we’re offering a digital camera and RCD electrical safety devices to the winning house.