HAMPSHIRE Christmas shoppers are being urged to spend wisely to avoid money problems later.

Debt charity Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) has advised them to use credit wisely and think even more carefully about how they will repay it when buying their festive gifts.

CCCS said that there were 300 mortgage possession claims in Hampshire in the third quarter of this year.

It believes this could rise still further with public sector redundancies, welfare benefit cuts and the VAT rise putting pressure on household budgets and that, while some of the effects of the economic downturn have been deferred, this is likely to be felt more in 2011.

Anyone concerned about how they are going to repay their credit should call the CCCS helpline on 0800 138 1111, from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, or use its online debt counselling tool CCCS Debt Remedy at www.cccs.co.uk