KIND-hearted Daily Echo readers are stepping in to help make it a happy Christmas for a Hampshire pensioner robbed of the money she had saved to buy her family’s presents.

As reported, Betty Naylor lost £500 when she was targeted by three women as she shopped for gifts in Southampton city centre, just minutes after withdrawing the cash from her bank.

The money was taken from the great-grandmother’s shopping trolley while she asked an assistant in Primark for help finding a present for a disabled neighbour.

The 79-year-old, from Challis Court, Southampton, said she felt sick when she realised the envelope containing the notes had gone.

She said the cash had been supposed to pay for Christmas presents for all her family – which includes eight great-grandchildren – and see her through the festive period.

Betty said: “I shouldn't have taken the money out, but I’ve always done that. I’ve never thought of using my card because I wasn’t scared of losing my money.

“I didn’t know there are gangs of girls going round taking money.”

But now, thanks to the generosity of Daily Echo readers, Betty could be looking forward to a happy Christmas again.

Several people have contacted us to offer donations to help replace the stolen money.

Deighted Betty said: “I think it’s fantastic, it will really help. I’m just so happy, and delighted that people like that are still around.”

Police are investigating the theft, which happened shortly after 11.30am last Tuesday. Anyone with information should call Southampton Central police station on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Anyone wishing to send money to Betty should make cheques payable to Betty Naylor. They can be sent care of Jon Reeve, Southern Daily Echo, Newspaper House, Test Lane, Southampton, SO16 9JX.