Two men from Southampton are launching an attack on the Isle of Wight in a bid to raise money for charity.

The Great Wight Attack will see Dave Savage, a 39-year-old retail manager and Martyn Kennaugh, a 37-year-old production engineer, push themselves to the limit in a bid to raise £25,000 for the Southampton Hospital Charity.

First they will swim across the Solent – one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world – all the way to the island. Then they will run 60 miles around the Island before swimming back to the mainland.

The Great Wight Attack will take place between July 25-27 and the money raised will go to funding new scanning equipment to detect pancreatic cancer. Both men have been affected by the illness over the last 12 months with Dave suffering a cancer scare and Martyn losing his father to the disease. Martyn said: “When my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I felt completely helpless, I felt there was nothing I could do to make a difference. My reason for taking on this crazy challenge is because I now feel that I can’’.