THEY are the pride of Hampshire.

From brave rescue missions to unsung heroes and long-serving staff, these men and women have gone that extra mile to make the county a safer place.

Hundreds gathered for a glittering awards ceremony to mark special achievements at Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Among those honoured included delivery men who battled through a house fire to rescue a child from a bedroom.

Others were praised for their tireless volunteer work, and the teams that flew to disaster zones in Haiti and Indonesia were also honoured.

The ceremony at Winchester Guildhall was particularly poignant this year as guests reflected on the deaths of two of their own.

Tributes were paid to firefighters James Shears and Alan Bannon who died saving lives in April during a blaze at Shirley Towers, Southampton.

There were also gongs for long service and good conduct as well as a number of officers’ commendations.

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Also honoured was Winchester Fire Station, which picked up a special Beacon award. Chief officer John Bonney added: “It’s important we recognise the spirit of service, courage and selflessness that is a tradition among the Fire and Rescue Service. But tonight is about much more that that. The Celebrating Success awards serve as a key tool in continuously developing the services we provide, in reminding us that what we have done well today, we can do better tomorrow.”


Celebrating the Exceptional
Robert Evans and Jimmy Stevens.

The pair, who both work for parcel delivery firm DHL, were calling at a house in Ringwood when they noticed smoke coming from the side of a nearby property. They alerted the occupants, who were unaware of the fire. Robert and Jimmy were then told that an child was still asleep in a bedroom and attempted a rescue, but were initially beaten back by the intense heat and smoke.

But they managed to break through a glazed door at the rear of the house, entering the room and rescuing the sleeping child. Their actions placed themselves at risk and “undoubtedly” saved the child’s life.

John Brown.

The South Central Ambulance Service paramedic arrived at a fire in Chatham Road, Winchester, in December last year to find an elderly man leaning out of a first-floor window.

Smoke was billowing out of the window as a result of a blaze in a kitchen. John used a ladder to climb up to the casualty, who was unable to climb out of the room, and gave him oxygen. His actions were described as “beyond the expectations of a paramedic” in the face of a fire.

Outstanding Contribution Award
Watch manager Jim Green of Lyndhurst Fire Station.

Jim researched a specialist animal rescue response team in 2006. Today the service is credited with providing round-the-clock rescue facilities.

Chief Officer’s Special Recognition Award.

The Hampshire contingent of the United Kingdom Fire Service International Search and Rescue Team for their life-saving actions in Indonesia and Haiti.

Community Award
The Southampton City Later Years Partnership,

which helps improve lives of senior citizens in the city, working with agencies including Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Innovation Award Watch manager
Tim Pringle:

Helped his fire station reach its Home Safety Visit target and built up strong local partnerships within Hampshire.

Environmental Award
Watch manager Mark Norton and firefighter Neil Lane:

Mark volunteered to help save gas, electricity and water while also improving recycling at the service. Neil has helped complete an environmental audit.

Retained Duty System Employer Award
G E Aviation, of Hamble and Beaulieu Estate.

The former has allowed staff to attend calls for the past 35 years while Beaulieu Estate has allowed staff to man the village fire station for more than 100 years. Lord Montagu also allows his estate to be used as a training venue for the service.

Charity Awards
Firefighter John Tipper of Bordon Fire Station.

John raises valuable funds for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.

Pauline Tyldesley from The Fire Fighters Charity.

Pauline has helped integrate fundraising at local fire stations.