Chris Huhne last night defended his decision to back the Government over tuition fees.

The Energy Secretary was in Cancun for the UN climate change summit.

He was desperately trying to strike a deal to cancel out his vote to back the Coalition by finding a Labour MP that would agree to stay away from the vote as well in a method called “pairing”.

But that did not appear to earn favour with Labour leader Ed Miliband yesterday.

Despite that, last night Mr Huhne announced he would stay at the talks in Mexico and miss the crunch vote.

He said: “Nick Clegg and I have decided the importance of the talks in Cancun mean that I have to stay here to finish the vital work we have started. It is hugely regrettable that Ed Miliband’s Labour Party has decided to put short-term political point scoring ahead of the long-term interests of the planet.

“They are putting the next two days ahead of the next two generations.

“These vital talks have denied me the chance to support the Coalition Govern-ment’s progressive proposals to give financial security to our world class universities sector and make the repayment system for students fairer.”

Meanwhile, Southampton Itchen MP John Denham, Shadow Business Secretary, will open the tuition fees debate for Labour. He has urged the Coalition to delay a controversial vote on raising tuition fees, claiming ministers had yet to finalise details of the plan.

Business Secretary Vince Cable issued a statement confirming a package of concessions ahead of the crunch vote, including measures to ease the burden on the poorest students.