A CANNABIS grower bought a special light in a charity shop to help cultivate his crop, a court heard.

Police raided Martin Breen's home after finding a bag containing cannabis in a jacket pocket and discovered 12 plants being grown, said prosecutor Kerry Maylin.

He told police it was the first time he had tried to cultivate it.

Breen, 43, of Widding Close, Southampton, admitted possessing the drug and being concerned in its production.

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Tom Horder, defending, said Breen, who had a longstanding problem with drugs and drink, used cannabis to help him sleep and to make him feel good about himself.

"He smoked two or three joints a day and he found the hydroponic light in a charity shop."

Judge Patrick Hooton deferred sentence for six months on the basis Breen kept out of trouble, got himself a job and didn't make a further cultivation attempt.