PLANS to fix solar panels to more than 2,000 council homes in the Winchester district must move quickly, Cabinet members heard.

The scheme could provide cheaper heating for tenants, be more environmentally friendly and shore up council coffers. However, it must be in place before April 2012 or the Government might change how much cash is on offer.

Richard Botham, city council head of landlord services, told a Cabinet meeting that the new figures might not be so good. “This is something we need to move on very quickly,” he said.

Cllr Lucille Thompson, Cabinet member for communities, said that the solar panel scheme was a “fantastic opportunity”.

She added that they wanted to spend the extra income across the council’s whole stock of 5,000 properties so that all tenants benefited.

Winchester tenants’ group Tact said that the scheme had its “100 per cent backing”.

The Cabinet has already agreed to invite companies to bid for the £14m project to install the panels. The winning bidder would pay the costs, then make a profit from a share of electricity revenue.