A CAROL singing extravaganza has had to be scrapped because of poor ticket sales.

Organisers were hoping to attract thousands of people to the Southampton Sings event at St Mary’s Stadium on Friday, December 17.

They were going for a world record attempt for having the most people singing carols in one place, hoping to smash the current record set in America six years ago of 7,500 people.

But bitterly cold weather forecasts seem have put a damper on festive enthusiasm, and ticket sales have been disappointing.

Organisers – the Southampton Passion – were charging £4 per person or £12 for a family ticket.

Funds raised through ticket sales were due to be put towards another major event in Southampton next year – Southampton Passion is planning a large-scale production in Guildhall Square at Easter, re-enacting the last days of Jesus Christ.

But they say Southampton Sings would not have broken even.

One of the organisers, Neil Maddock, said: “We are really disappointed that the event can’t go ahead but because of the logistics of staging an event like this we can’t wait and see if ticket sales increase over the next week.

“We have to act now, and based on numbers attending so far it’s not going to be able to go ahead as planned this year.

“However, we are committed to seeing this event happen and so we are already looking at staging something bigger and better next year, so watch this space.”

There were early disappointments for organisers of the carol concert – initially eighties pop star Yazz was signed up to perform a solo, but she then had to pull out.

Organisers hope that some people who bought tickets for the Southampton Sings event will not claim a refund so the cost of their ticket can still go towards the Passion performance.

Those who do want a refund need to contact the place they bought it from – either St Mary’s Stadium or Ticket South – by January 15.

People who paid by credit or debit card can return their tickets in person or by post and a refund will be processed.

Anyone who paid by cash or cheque needs to present a bank card at the place of purchase to get their money back.