DIGNITARIES and workers, past and present, yesterday said goodbye to the US Army base at RAF Hythe.

A sombre casing of the colours ceremony marked the closure of the watercraft repair and servicing operation and brought an end to more than 200 skilled jobs.

US brigade commander Col Bobby Ray Pinkston and base commander Lt Col Martin Binder made short speeches to the assembled guests who included New Forest East MP Dr Julian Lewis, New Forest District Council chairman Councillor David Scott and Southampton mayor Councillor John Slade.

And today the US Army, which has used the base in Shore Road as a shipyard for 40 years, will hand back the keys to the MoD.

Dr Lewis said it was important the largely British civilian staff, who had often volunteered to put themselves in danger to support the US Army in places such as Afghanistan, received a proper thank you.

Despite intensive lobbying by workers, Dr Lewis and others, US military top brass rejected calls to delay the closure.

The US Army decided to leave the base as part of a "global repositioning strategy" to address the "threats of the 21st century."

It contributes an estimated £4.5m to the UK economy.

The MoD is carrying out a survey of the base to decide its future.