THEY are helping to ensure the memory of a much loved little boy is not forgotten.

More than 250 schoolmates of Joe Glover took part in a penalty shoot-out competition at Colden Common Primary School.

Joe, eight, of Piping Green, died in August after fighting a rare form of cancer.

His family are determined that good should come from Joe's illness and they are converting the fund that raised £31,000 for Joe's treatment into a charity to help youngsters with cancer and for research.

The children taking part last Friday were raising money for the Joe Glover Fund.

Head teacher Julie Mullane said: "Joe had a lot of friends. We still think about him and remember him. We miss him.

"The whole school took part. We told them they could either come to school in red, Joe's favourite colour, or in the shirts of their favourite football team. Most wore England shirts," said Mrs Mullane.

Paul Glover, Joe's dad, who helped with refreshments, said: "It went very well. There was a lot of enthusiasm."