THE body of a man has been washed up on a remote Hampshire shoreline, the Daily Echo can reveal.

It was found by a woman who was taking a walk on a beach near Beaulieu in the New Forest yesterday morning, police said.

The remains were taken to Southampton General Hospital for a post-mortem and formal identification.

It is feared the discovery could be linked to the disappearance of Southampton man Simon Wilson which sparked a massive police search over the weekend.

Mr Wilson went missing from his flat in Priory Avenue, Portswood, and his Volkswagen Polo was found abandoned at Paddy's Gap car park near Milford on Sea overlooking the Needles at 12.30pm on Saturday.

A ten-mile stretch of the coastline was searched at the weekend while the police spotter plane was also scrambled as part of the search effort. Family and friends have also been joining in the search.

Officers also conducted house-to-house inquiries at nearby homes to try and track him down.

Girlfriend's plea Yesterday Mr Wilson's girlfriend Melanie Hodgkinson pleaded for his safe return.

As reported in later editions of yesterday's Daily Echo, she last saw her boyfriend on Thursday before he disappeared from the home they share on Friday evening.

Since then she has been desperately waiting for news of her partner of three-and-a-half years with whom she was due to buy a house this week.

Miss Hodgkinson, 24, said: "I don't know what his state of mind is like. I just need to know he is OK. Get in touch with anyone, even if it's not me. I just need to know he is OK and for him to come back."

Mr Wilson, 25, who was due to start a new job yesterday as an engineer, was known to be depressed and according to Melanie had been in a low mood in the week leading up to his disappearance.

Mr Wilson is described as 5ft 8in with a slim build. He has mousy coloured hair with a receding hairline. He sometimes wears glasses, has piercing blue eyes and a prominent nose. He is known to walk around with his hands in his pockets.

The police contact number is 0845 045 4545.