SOUTHAMPTON youngsters armed with cans of spray paint have transformed a wall into a giant-sized work of art.

The youths from City Reach Youth Club in St Mary's have spent four days painting the 50ft by 30ft image onto a graffiti board on the side of the youth centre.

More than 20 people, aged between eight to 20, spent their half-term on the project and drew their inspiration for the design from the local community.

Dan Scott, 26 - who is pictured left with some of the artists - is project youth worker for the club, which received a £3,800 grant for the project from the European Social Fund.

He said: "We got the idea from some of the youths who had done graffiti workshops and thought it would brighten up the area.

"It gets young people involved and they have been enjoying it.

"Often graffiti is seen in a bad light but they are really proud of what they have achieved."