A STALKING victim who received almost 560 calls in 36 hours has told how her tormentor's behaviour left her feeling "utterly broken" and suicidal.

Michael Stimson, 40, of Ladycross Road, Hythe, has been jailed for more than three years for stalking, criminal damage, and sending an offensive message.

Now his former partner has released her victim impact statement in the hope it will act as a warning to other women.

Daily Echo: Michael Stimson, 40, of Hythe, has been jailed for stalking his then partnerMichael Stimson, 40, of Hythe, has been jailed for stalking his then partner (Image: Reader's submission)

One on occasion, she says, she was contemplating suicide when a call from her daughter made her realise she had something to live for.

The statement, part of which was read out during the court case, describes how she became terrified of Stimson and began to shake if she feared another row was imminent.

It also says she often had to endure ten or more hours of what she describes as his "hateful and rage-filled torrents".

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"I am still not able to sleep properly and am woken by the slightest noise. I often break down with no warning, have panic attacks and cry inconsolably, sometimes so hard I am unable to stand up."

Describing flashbacks she adds: "I still see his terrifying jet-black eyes and his twisted screwed up angry face shouting at me.

"I can honestly say that Michael's abuse has left me completely and utterly broken.

"After each incident, he would shower me with affection and false promises of love, false promises that he would seek professional help for his anger issues and his drinking problem."

Daily Echo: Michael Stimson was jailed at Southampton Crown CourtMichael Stimson was jailed at Southampton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

The victim, who did not want to be named, describes Stimson as a danger to women.

But she says she often feels guilty for reporting various forms of abuse, including the 559 calls he made in 36 hours, that resulted in him being jailed.

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She said: "Guilty of not being able to fix Michael, that I didn’t try hard enough, that I could have done more. Guilty that maybe I was the reason our relationship didn’t work.

"Then I realise it’s the way Michael conditioned me through his abuse that makes me feel that way."

Stimson was jailed for a total of three years and four months at Southampton Crown Court. He was also handed a five-year restraining order to victim his victim.

In 2019 Stimson was jailed for 21 months for terrorising a previous girlfriend.

He flew into a series of drunken rages, repeatedly assaulting the woman and damaging her property after accusing her of cheating on him.

  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 for support.