It’s been exactly three months to the day since the General Election.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who put their trust in me so that, together, we can help deliver for our great city.

Since that day, I have been working tirelessly to support, champion and fight for Southampton and our communities.

Lots of people have asked me what the job of an MP actually involves.

Well, first and foremost, it’s about helping those most in need.

Thank you to the thousands that have contacted me since the election, whether by email, letter, on the doorstep, at one of my surgeries or simply by stopping me in the street for a chat.

My team and I have been working to get results for as many of you as possible.

It’s great to be able to help where I can and to make life a bit easier for you and your family.

READ MORE: Southampton Test MP Satvir Kaur gives maiden speech in parliament

From successfully fighting for a boy with a complex disability facing the withdrawal of crucial support workers, to making sure a young, vulnerable couple who were street-homeless were urgently housed, I have advocated for hundreds of constituents in difficulty so far.

However, we all know issues such as these, and the many others that fill up my inbox, are the result of a lack of housing, the fact that public services are on their knees or ‘the system’ just being broken.

It’s why I’m pushing for change in Parliament.

We know homelessness is a growing issue in Southampton and I’ve been supporting charities like Two Saints, Scratch and others in their work.

I’m pleased our new Labour Government has already banned no-fault evictions – the number one reason for homelessness in Southampton – and it is one of the many reasons I’m supporting Labour’s Renters Reform Bill.

I’m pleased that homes for veterans, care leavers and victims of domestic abuse are being guaranteed, something I’ve been pushing for. Beyond this, I want to ensure that homes are being built to address local need.  

On the NHS, with thousands in Southampton on a waiting list for treatment, I’m pleased the new Labour Government has finally put an end to the junior doctors’ strikes.

It will of course take time to fully reform and fix the NHS, but this is a priority for me.

My very first contribution in Parliament was on this issue, asking the Government how we can better support patients.

Locally, I am speaking to NHS providers and visiting local services to see what more can be done.

Along with many of you, I’m hugely concerned about crime in our city.

I’m pleased measures are being put in place to crack down on knife and retail crime, something I know is welcome news to the local businesses and community groups I’ve spoken to.

I met with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight PCC to raise these issues, amongst others, in an effort to help make people feel safer.

Our local police did an incredible job during the recent riots this summer and, due to their efforts and others, I’m pleased Southampton did not experience the problems we saw elsewhere. 

These are just a few examples of things I’ve been doing and issues I’ve been tackling.

We know that this new Government’s inheritance is dire and it will take time to fix the foundations, but I’m confident that we can and we will deliver change and thrive once more.

There is so much potential in Southampton to help grow the economy and I hope this is recognised in the upcoming budget. 

Like you, I am ambitious for Southampton and want our city and people to thrive.

If you have an issue, idea or want to discuss anything, please do not hesitate to contact me on: or 02382 546 357.