A FLEET of bright yellow buses could be ferrying Hampshire children to schools by next year under a multi-million-pound proposal by the county's transport chiefs.

The scheme is being considered by Hampshire County Council and would see scores of the iconic machines brought in for the county's 170,000 schoolchildren.

Supporters of the plan say it is a cost-effective way of getting youngsters to school, and will help reduce congestion on the roads, cut greenhouse emissions and reduce the authority's current £21m school transport bill.

However others say they are concerned at plans to charge pupils for the service - especially those currently receiving free school transport.

The idea of bringing in the yellow buses is not a new one and has been debated within Hampshire County Council for a number of years.

Yellow bus schemes are already in use in several parts of the UK, including Winchester's Kings' School where bus operator First runs a service funded by the school and parents.

However a Hampshire-wide yellow bus scheme would be a first in the UK, with bosses at the council saying it could reduce congestion by up to 20 per cent during the twice daily school run.

Encouraged Last week workers at the authority were told the plan would be for yellow buses to collect children living close to their school in return for a small charge, with children from further afield encouraged to use commercial buses with redesigned routes.

The yellow buses, which would be run by a local bus operator rather than the council, would include all the latest safety features such as CCTV, while it is also hoped the same drivers would be used everyday to ensure youngsters get to know them.

A consultation process is now underway to work out where and when to try out the scheme, however a source at the council suggested it could be in operation as early as next year.

Hampshire County Council leader Ken Thornber said: "We all know the problems of the school run.

"It adds to the growing congestion on our roads, but for many parents it is the only way to get their children to school. We want to give more parents and children a better choice."

However Lib Dem councillor Keith House, said: "We are very keen on this idea. The council spends a fortune on school transport services at the moment, and wastes hundreds of thousands of pounds through the use of things like private taxis.

"However there is concern that allowing councils to charge for this service could actually mean parents currently receiving free school transport instead opt to take their own children in - and that must not be allowed to happen."