A SOUTHAMPTON University student spent a night under the stars to raise money for survivors of the 2005 South Asia earthquake.

Third year English student Becky Willis put up with freezing night-time temperatures when she held an 18-hour sleep-out on Friday in the centre of Southampton.

She and a few friends were outside from 2pm on Friday until 10am on Saturday asking shoppers to donate what they could to the Asia Earthquake Fund.

It is not the first time the 21-year-old has slept rough for charity - she ran a sleep-out last year in support of the fund and raised more than £600.

Becky, of Burgess Road, said: "They still need so much support with the clean up and reconstruction. Eighteen hours in the cold won't affect our lives, but if we can raise lots of money for the quake survivors it will do so much for theirs."

You can donate at www. justgiving.com/bigsleepout.